
The One Fundamental You Need To Be Doing To Constantly Get New Clients…

The One Personal Training Fundamental You Need To Be Doing To Constantly Get New Clients...

Dear Friend,

Part of being a successful trainer is taking action. And most of the time you need to be taking action over and over again – not just once.

In fact, most trainers who don’t succeed think they only need to do something once… and they’ll get tons of clients and be set.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Instead, you need to do just a few small things consistently.

So I shot a short video for your explaining what I would do if I could only pick one thing!

The One Fundamental You Need To Be Doing To Constantly Get New Clients… Read More »

The One Thing You Must Always Remember As A Personal Trainer …

The One Thing You Must Always Remember As A Personal Trainer ...

Dear Trainer,

I get a lot (and I mean A LOT!) of questions from trainers about training clients, which continuing ed courses to take, which social media is the best and on and on…

And let me tell you something: these questions aren’t bad… but they are the wrong questions to be asking at the wrong time.

Let me explain…

The One Thing You Must Always Remember As A Personal Trainer … Read More »

How to Change Gyms – And Keep Your Clients During the Change!

How to Change Gyms - And Keep Your Clients During the Change!

Dear Trainer,

Listen… there will come a time when you change gyms. And when you do, you want to be sure you know how to transition AND keep all of your clients.

Some trainers miss this and the transition destroys their career!

You don’t want to be one of those trainers and this message will explain how to avoid total and utter destruction!

How to Change Gyms – And Keep Your Clients During the Change! Read More »

How to Get a Job At Your Dream Gym – Personal Trainers

Building A Personal Training Business

You’re a certified personal trainer.  You’ve done your research on the best gym that will help you grow your business fast… now you need to know how to get a job as a personal trainer at your ideal gym.

You have one shot to get the job…

The art of interviewing doesn’t need to be difficult.  But you do need to be prepared because you only get one chance to make your impression. You only get one chance to prove yourself.

But let’s back up a little…

Before you even call the gym of your dreams, you need to do a few “dry run” interviews at other gyms so you know what to expect.

How to Get a Job At Your Dream Gym – Personal Trainers Read More »

Personal Trainers – What Type of Gym is Right For You …

Personal Trainers Choosing The Right Type of Gym

Dear Friend,

OK …  you’ve got your certification and you’re ready to live your dream helping people and making good money… but there’s a problem…

Where do you start… Where do you go to give yourself the best chance of being successful?

I’m about to answer that question. And I’m going to give you some insights you haven’t even thought of yet.

Personal Trainers – What Type of Gym is Right For You … Read More »