Dear Friend,
Today I’m going to share the secret weapon I use to make $80,000 per year while only working 3 days a week as a personal trainer…
I know it may sound impossible, but I assure you, it’s very possible when you know this secret weapon…
In fact, when you get what I’m about to tell you…
…you can build this type of business
in two years or less…
Actually, I’ve taught a few trainers my methods and they were able to build their income from $0-$60,000 per year… not bad!
The fact is… you can be the best trainer in the world, but if nobody knows about you, it doesn’t matter.
If you can’t communicate to others about how you can help them, then they’ll never hire you or let you help them. Remember this…
The key to massive growth is marketing yourself right
You see, when you market yourself right, you communicate why you can help others, how you’re unique and why someone should work with you. You show others your value, which is the only way anyone would ever let them help you.
But marketing is often talked about, but rarely understood.
Listen, most people don’t have any clue how to market effectively. They build a flyer, make business cards, maybe run an ad or two… and they think they’re marketing…
…but this isn’t marketing.
What I just described is throwing darts and HOPING something works…
In actuality, good marketing involves a plan and consistent execution. You need to build it into your business so you’re always doing it.
Here’s what I mean: If you were to type in “Personal Trainer Marketing” you would be bombarded with hundreds of articles from people that have never even used any of the marketing techniques they write about…
And you’d probably end up getting more confused and frustrated. That’s what happens to most trainers. And they give up.
… You need to do just a few things right
and do them all the time
Let’s take three tactics that will DEFINITELY explode your business and keep it growing day in and day out. (Actually, I use about 7 or 8 on a consistent basis, but these 3 tactics are my favorites… and they always work.)
Now, I can’t go into to much detail during this article because everyone is a little different, but I teach these in depth in my special online e-class.
Tactic #1 – Referrals
Referrals are the single best way to grow your business for a few reasons.
- You create instant trust
- You get an introduction
- You don’t have to search for a lead
Think about the hardest part of signing up a new client… it’s developing trust. They don’t know if you’re telling the truth. They don’t know if you’re going to be good and get results. All they know is that you call yourself a trainer and that can mean a lot of things.
But… if someone recommends you, their recommendation or testimony creates instant trust for the person signing up. It’s probably about 10x easier to get them as a client, and they already view you in a favorable light.
…many people talk ABOUT referrals, but few
actually know how to get them the right way
For example, did you know the best time to ask for a referral is right after a new client signs up?
It’s true.
They’re more motivated and excited right after they sign up with you than any other time (the second best time is when they get the most amazing results they’ve ever had).
So that means you should have a plan or system in place to get the referral right after they sign up with you.
Tactic #2 – Health Assesments
Health assessments get people started. You should do them for free because it allows you to build rapport and demonstrate your value.
The great part about health assessments is that you can tailor them to fit just about any marketing theme.
Here’s and example: You can run an ad talking about hidden dangers of heart disease and explain how most people don’t know that they have high blood pressure. Then you can offer a free health assessment to look at body fat levels, BMI, blood pressure, etc… so they can find out if they’re at risk or not.
This is a huge selling point.
Then, when you do the health assessment, you have a perfect window to talk about your services and find out if you can help them.
Guess what: If you got 5 people per month to do the health assessment, and 1 of 5 ended up signing up with you, that means you would get one new client each month. At the end of the year, that would be 12 new clients.
That would increase my annual income by $7,000. Think about that.
But here’s where people go wrong…
You have to know how to do a
health assessment correctly to add value…
…otherwise a person will simply get the results and then you’ll never hear from them again.
Now, there’s now dishonesty or “bait and switch” but you do need to understand how to set up the assessment so that a person can see the added value in working with you.
By the way… this is true for everything you do. There are tools and rules that allow your education-based products to showcase your value.
And that’s the last tactic…
Tactic #3 – Use Education-Based Marketing
Education based marketing is what it sounds like. You educate people as a way of showcasing your value and giving them reasons to work with you.
You can teach them about anything:
- Nutrition myths
- Ab secrets
- How to find a good trainer
- Diabetes
- Heart Disease
- Etc…
The important part is that your education based marketing leads them down a path to where they see the value in working with you and why having a trainer or nutrition coach is so important.
And I will tell you:
90% of people do this wrong, and so they never get new clients!
They spend tremendous amounts of time and money marketing… and nothing happens. So they give up.
But… Instead of giving up…
…you’ll learn how to create your marketing in a way that
sells itself and sells you so you don’t have to…
You see… when you use these techniques… by the time a new client contacts you, they’re ready to sign up. They trust you. And they see your value. Plus you instantly relate to them and their desires.
This may sound hard. And it usually takes years to learn when you teach yourself. And that’s why I teach these techniques in my special e-class – so you can learn all these tools (and more) in a matter of weeks instead of years!
Look: I spent over 10 years learning these methods and perfecting them because I didn’t have a teacher.
I had to cut through all of the mis-information on line and figure out what ACTUALLY works and why so…
… I can maintain my clientele and make
$80,000 per year while only having
to work 3 days a week…
It’s an amazing schedule and it allows me to have an amazing life. And I want the same success for you. I want to make sure you don’t waste years of your life trying to figure out how to be successful… or worse yet… giving up and quitting training all together.
The e-class I keep mentioning is an 8-week program where I personally coach you from start to finish over 8 weeks so you can start making $5,000 a month in 6-8 months! If you’re serious about training, then this will be the most effective information you can ever get your hands on.
Check it out here: https://thesixfiguretrainer.com/advanced-eclass/
P.S. – Leave me a comment or question below and let me know when you’ll start implementing the tactics I mentioned in this article!
Hello and Happy New Year Stu,
I will get to the point fast here. Upon receiving my 2 certifications from NASM (roughy two months more) I will start working on clientele acquiring. You are at a place I want to be right now so you have my attention.
Thanks Vic!
I’m here to help and I want you to be very successful! Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you Stu for the email, I would love to learn your type of business. For right now studying for exam in June or earlier to get certified. But I will always read your email to educate myself. Have a Happy New Year Stu.
Thank you Sarah!
Make sure you study hard and buckle down for the exam. This site, and my program are specifically designed to make sure you can be successful and make good money while helping a lot of people!
Let me know if you have any questions!
Hi Stu
This is great advice and something I will start to implement right away.
Thanks you for sharing your knowledge.
Awesome Lee! Let me know how it goes!
Hello Stu,
Not certain how I became so blessed to be on your mailing list but I am glad this happened. I am gearing up to be “All Out” in my marketing and branding initiatives as both Trainer and Coach. I passed the ACE CPT recently and now I am ready to go bear hunting with a switch. Congratulations to you and all your tireless efforts. I kind of have a feeling your name is destined for the Health and Fitness history books. To continuing great adventures…A New Fan
Thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words and I am so glad you’re here. I will help you any way I can.
I know you’ll be successful and I’d love to be able to help you fast-track your success!
Hi Stu! How can I sign up for the program? I’m already making a living as a trainer bringing in 5k profit a month but I work 55-60 hours a week and 6 days a week. I would love to know how to bring my hours down because I am a new dad and would love to spend time with my newborn while maintaining my income or even gaining more.
Stay tuned because you are in the perfect position to add $1,000-$2,000 per month and scale back your schedule to 3-4 days per week.
I am getting ready to open enrollment for the program within the next month.
I’m about to release my book (for free) AND a video mini-series that will reveal some of my techniques. I will keep you posted! Email me directly and I’ll send you the preliminary copy of my book!
Okay tell me where to send the email and I will! Thanks for your help and I’m looking forward to your academy!
Hey Stu!
I’ve just recently qualified from NASM & I’ve been a bit skeptial& nervous about building my clientele because I have a outgoing and bubbly personality but I feel a bit overwhelmed to actually build my clientele by literally engaging with people myself and I’m still working on myself to start my own social media page to market myself further so I’ve been super confused about starting and not worrying about building my client base! Your exactly where I want to be right now😅 & coming across your page somehow and signing up to your emails was the best thing I could have done🤣 I’m really looking forward to learning how to build my business& income! & can’t wait to learn more from you! I’m already super motivated and believe in myself even more now thanks to you☺️
Thank you for your kind words! That’s super exciting and the NASM is a great Certification!
In terms of approaching and building clients… this site, and the new course I’m working on will specifically teach you how to get clients to come to you!
There are certain tools and techniques you can use that will draw new clients to you like a magnet, and that’s a small part of what’s in the course!
Check out some of the other articles here, and leave me a comment any time. I’m here to help!