The Fundamental Most Personal Trainers – New and Experienced – Miss (And How It Limits Their Income)!

The Fundamental Most Personal Trainers - New and Experienced - Miss (And How It Limits Their Income)!

Dear Trainer,

Did you know most trainers I meet are missing a HUGE fundamental that literally cuts their income by $12,000 per year?

It’s true.

In fact, in my 20 years of experience… I’ve only seen two or three trainers who actually incorporated this fundamental tool into their business.

And guess what… the trainers who use this fundamental ALWAYS get a lot more clients… and make anywhere from $12,000-$20,000 per year MORE than the trainers who miss this fundamental.

So… I bet you’re wondering what the fundamental is… well, I’m glad you asked.  This key fundamental is…

Choosing a Specialization or
Unique Selling Position

Here’s what that means…

When you’re a trainer, you shouldn’t try to be everything to everyone.  This is the “kiss of death” for your business because you don’t stand out.  Even if you’re an amazing trainer, if you don’t specialize… you appear average.

And that’s where choosing a specialization comes in… it will literally cause you to stand out and attract clients faster than other trainers.

Here’s why… there is a psychological trigger that gets activated when you’re more specific.  In fact, the more specific you can be, the more attractive and credible you are.

For example… if you say, “Hire me because I’m the best trainer and I get the best results,” not many people will believe you.

However, if you say, “Hire me because I specialize in golf training and my last 4 clients shaved 3 strokes off their average and increased their driving distance by 7 yards,” that is very believable because it’s specific.

Here’s the point…

when you get specific with your “Specialties” you
increase your credibility and people will look at you as more of an expert

And here’s the best part: it’s easier on you because you can focus on a few key areas.

Ok… so… now we need to look at a couple of key factors to set your specialties correctly.

First, it needs to be specific – we established that…

And second…

it also needs to have “mass appeal” or a large enough group of people who are interested

Let me explain…

If you choose a specialty – let’s say for bowling – that is a very small niche.  And it’s going to be very hard to find enough clients to keep you in business.  However, if you choose something that’s specific AND has mass appeal – like Keto nutrition and training – then you will definitely stand out… and… find enough clients to build a wildly successful business.

I personally suggest finding three specialties so that you are well-rounded and specific enough to stand out and have a very powerful draw for new clientele!

This fundamental alone can easily increase your income by $12,000 per year and make you much more attractive than your competition.  Plus, it helps you define your branding and focus so you don’t aimlessly market to everyone and waste your time and money.

And if you’re serious about building your business… and… making sure you’re not missing key fundamental that will cut your income… then set up a business audit with me so we can take a quick look at where you are at and come up with a plan to build your business quickly and easily – without any headaches.

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