How To Transition Into Personal Training From A Job (Full-Time OR Part-Time)

transition into personal training from a job

Dear Friend,

If you’re like most people, your job is creating your living income.  And it’s scary going from a somewhat guaranteed paycheck to uncertainty.  But in the end it can be very worthwhile.

And this message is going to explain how to transition so you keep your “job income” while building your “training income” at the same time!

Here’s why this is important:

First, you will be doing something you love and passionate about.  Second, you can make a six-figure income if you do things correctly.

In a previous post, I discuss how to make sure you nail your interview so you can land a job at your dream gym

So how do you transition to mitigate your risk and still do what you love?

There are three main ways to do this, so let’s take a look at them.

Transition Technique 1 – Working Double Shifts

This technique is the hardest, provides the lowest risk, but is the slowest way to transition.  In essence, you keep your full time job and add hours as a trainer.

For example, let’s say you work the standard 9-5 job.  You could position yourself at the gym in the early mornings (5:00-8:00 a.m.) and in the evenings (5:30-7:30 p.m.).

I’ve seen very few trainers do this because it requires so much time and energy.  In addition, your presence at the gym is very limited.

Another slightly better schedule would be to work a bit later (10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.) and be at the gym every single day from 5:00-9:30 a.m.

The most important aspect is being at the gym consistently so you get noticed and familiar.

Transition Technique 2 – Part Time Balance

The next technique is the most common and often the most successful.

The idea here is to keep a part time job to pay the bills while you balance the other part time (or even full time) hours at the gym.

Here’s a great example.  If you could work part time in the later part of the day (i.e. noon-5:00 p.m.) then you can get a good chunk of hours every day at the gym (i.e. 5:00 a.m – 11:30 a.m.).

Obviously you could flip the distribution if you prefer.

The main benefit here is that you can continue paying your bills and still put in enough time at the gym to start branding yourself and building awareness and credibility.

Transitions Technique 3 – Full Time Training With A Savings Cushion

This technique is the most risky but has its benefits.

First, you put a lot of pressure on yourself, which will often lead to a faster and stronger route to building your training business. Second, you’ll be at the gym all the time and get to know the members faster than any other way.

However, this technique does put your butt on the line.  You don’t have much room for error.  It’s important to consider how much you’re willing and able to risk.

For example, if you have a family, and your income is vital for success, then this technique might not be ideal.

The Keys of A Successful Transition

Regardless of how to transition, there are a few key elements you need to succeed.

First, you absolutely need to be at the gym…

If you’re not at the right gym, you can work your butt off and still never get the clients you need.

Listen, you’ll need to put in some unpaid hours at the gym.  This does a few things… you create a presence, meet members, and show that you’re there to stay.

And this is why you should consider my e-class:  You see, I walk you step-by-step through everything you need to be successful and start making $4,000 or more a month in just 6 months!

These elements are all important for members to trust you and want to work with you.

Second, you need to know how to market and sell yourself…

And how to be proactive.  Many trainers sit back and wait for clients, an this is a death wish.

Rather, you need to go after business and make sure you get noticed and sell yourself.  This includes having a table, lead generation, learning to make phone calls, how to talk with members, etc… all things I teach in my e-class.

Third, you need to plan for the future…

This includes getting before and after pictures, testimonials, and other material that will significantly help you in the future.  Many trainers fail to plan ahead and they get stuck in rut.  They constantly have to prove themselves rather than building proof elements that position them as an expert.

Another example is to set up a system rather than just doing one-off training sessions.  Having a system gives you more credibility and is a lot more powerful when it comes to enrolling clients.

If a client meets with two trainers, and one has a full system while the other trainer just does sessions, they’re going to sign up with the trainer that has a system!

Don’t Waste Time Thinking About It… You Need To Take Action And…

… get things moving.  Most trainers fail because they never take action!

Listen, transitioning from a paying job to becoming a personal trainer is scary.  But, if you have the knowledge and the tools, you can hit the ground running and make a very successful transition into a career you absolutely love!

And if you’re really serious about doing this right (so you don’t lose your income and struggle)… then check out my special e-class because it walks you through every step to get you from where you are now (wherever that may be) to being a world-class trainer making over $4,000 a month in just a few short months!

And you’ll get my most effective secrets I’m using right now to make $80,000 a year while only working 3-4 days a week!


P.S. What questions do you have about transitioning?  Let me know and we can discuss them!

2 thoughts on “How To Transition Into Personal Training From A Job (Full-Time OR Part-Time)”

  1. Hi there, I’m fairly new to all of this. Do trainers need to have insurance to train clients? What kind of costs do we need to be thinking of aside from living expenses when we are building a savings cushion?

    Thanks so much for providing these resources.

    1. Stu @ TheSixFigureTrainer

      Hey Brittany!

      Yes! You do need insurance. It’s easy to get and usually costs about $150 per YEAR (which is only about $10 per month).

      As far as expenses and your cushion. What you need to do is figure out ALL of your expenses each month.

      Then… you should save enough so that you can pay for 6-12 months while you start your training business.

      For example… let’s say your total monthly expenses are $2,000 (that includes rent, phone, gas, food, etc…)

      Then, you should save about $12,000 for your cushion so you can give yourself a realistic time period to build your training business.

      Most people have a hard time saving $12,000… or it will take them far too long before they could start training, so they work a part-time job (or full time in some cases) and build their personal training business at the same time… then transition into full-time training!

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