Dear Trainer,
I’m about to share the easiest and most effective way to set up a website… even if you don’t know anything about web design and you are “technologically challenged.”
Here’s the deal…
Even though a website isn’t an essential part of being a successful trainer… there are still times when you absolutely want a killer site. In fact, in my e-class I teach two relatively unknown ways to use a website and get new clients that most trainers don’t know about.
And I’m about to show you the key elements for your website so you can start getting clients from it!
Let’s get started…
The very first thing you need is…
A Killer Landing Page
Here’s why: this is the first page a person sees when they look you up and it needs to do two things:
- Leave a very compelling first impression
- Get the person to leave their information for some reason
For example… when you come to this website, there is a landing page offering you a free report in exchange for your email address. I’m giving you something valuable and now I have a way to stay in touch with you. I want to give you as much value as possible to help you, showcase my knowledge, earn your trust and hopefully work with you down the road.
This is the same formula you would use with potential clients:
You Want Them To Learn About You And
See The Value In Working With You!
Anyway… the landing page on your website should be very simple so the person only has one (maybe two) options: they can leave their information or contact you.
Another element you need to have on the landing page is…
A Good Photo Of You
You see, when it comes to persona training… people want to do business with people. It’s a very personal career. So… if a person goes to your site and there’s no picture of you or mention of you… they aren’t going to feel very connected and they’ll probably leave.
However, if there’s a big, nice photo of you smiling… and you have a short biography next to it… the person will feel a connection right away.
Ok. So far we touched on a simple landing page that gets a person’s information in exchange for something really valuable… plus a nice photo of you with a biography.
You Need Before And After Pictures
Listen… the first thing any potential client is going to want is proof that you’re a good trainer. And there’s no better proof than before and after pictures with a short testimonial under them.
A little while ago I was looking at image consultants online. And guess what… I wanted to see before and after pictures. I want to know if someone is any good. What kind of results do they get?
You and I are in the same boat – people are going to make a serious investment with us and they need proof.
Remember, there are a lot of trainers. And a lot of bad trainers. Plus, a lot of people have had a bad experience with a trainer so they may be gun shy. And you need to do everything possible to put them at ease.
So now let’s look at:
How You Should Use Your Website
This is a snippet from one of the lessons in the e-class… and… it will give you a very general idea of how to apply what I’m talking about here. But if you’re really serious about getting new clients quickly and easily… you should register for the e-class and get the tricks I use to make over $80,000 a year while only working 3-4 days a week.
Anyway… here is an example flow of your website:
Remember… your website needs to create action from the client. And the action should be for them to leave their information so you can follow up with them.
Your job is to give them something really valuable that helps them and showcases your talents and value so they have a reason to want to work with you.
And then after you follow up with them… you simply follow the formula laid out in the e-class to sign them up and keep them as a long term client!
Here’s to your success!
Stu Schaefer