FREE Book!
Push-Button Business - How to Make an Extra $20,000.00-$30,000.00 Per Year - Even If You hate business and sales!
This free book reveals exactly how to build your personal training business quickly and easily… without worrying about how (or if) you’ll get clients!
Listen. I’ve spent the last 20 years training and learning how to grow my business to over $80,000.00 per year…
And now I’m sharing my secrets with you in this amazing free book!
Here’s what to do next…

This book is hot off the press
and not found in stores... anywhere!
Who is this book for?
“Push-Button Business” is specifically for personal trainers who want to know the easiest… and fastest way to grow their business – even if you hate business and sales.
If you’re looking for a formula you can use over and over again to get clients, build your business and fast-track everything… then this will be the most important book you will ever get your hands on!
Who should NOT get this book?
If you’re a personal trainer who only wants to do things your own way… or who “already knows everything”…
Or… You don’t want to make any extra money or get any extra clients, and you’re completely satisfied with your income, lifestyle and business…
…then don’t get this book!

This Book is amazing and here are just a few Secrets it reveals:
- 5 Simple keys to launch your career as a trainer (if you miss any one of these, you’ll almost certainly fail!)
- The 4 ways to get any gym to beg you to come work for them – this is critical for building clients fast!
- The foolproof way to get tons of clients right away when you are in a gym (there are 5 methods I use over and over again because they never fail!)
- 6 proven marketing secret you must use in a gym if you want to get a rush of clients and dominate your competition!
- The 5 marketing tricks I use to get local residents to seek me out and become new clients… even if they aren’t members at the gym!
- How to keep clients forever so you don’t constantly have to find new ones! (I share 8 special techniques that cause clients to stay with you forever!)
- How to become a local celebrity and create a stellar reputation which actually causes such a high demand for you that you’ll have to start turning business away! (or hiring personal trainers to work for you!)
- My favorite ways to create successful products that can increase your income 10x!

Hi! I’m Stu Schaefer and I have been personal training for 20 years… learning the secrets those “fake gurus” won’t… and can’t… tell you!
Listen… I started out broke and was about to give up training to settle for a “9-to-5” job… but something happened…
I met a mentor who was making over $100,000.00 per year – and who taught me everything!
And I took that knowledge… then taught myself sales and marketing tricks over the next 10 years until I finally cracked the code…
Now… I’m currently making over $80,000.00 per year every year- and I only work 3 days per week!
And here’s the best part… I’m about to teach you everything I know!
Trainers - You've never had a greater opportunity!
It’s true. If you’ve ever wanted to make an extra $20,000.00 – $30,000.00 … and you want to do it without being a slave to a job or your business… then this will be the most important message you will ever read!
Here’s why:
A few years ago (actually about 6 now) I helped a trainer start his business and grow it to over $60,000.00 in a few short months. (He actually had no clue how to get started, but he knew he wanted to be a trainer.)
His name was Adam… and Adam was one of the most determined people I had met so I agreed (reluctantly) to help him. I say reluctantly because I figured he was all talk and – as soon as things got tough – he would quit. Not so. In fact…
Within 6 Months Adam
Was Making $3,670.00 Per Month!
And there’s more! Adam picked up all of the tricks I showed him and his results were nothing short of amazing. Here are just a few of the things Adam was doing within just 6 months:
- Getting 7 out of every 10 people he talked with to sign up with him!
- Getting his clients to rave about him, and he knowing exactly what to do so they would never stop training with him! (This was one of the most powerful steps that allowed Adam to grow his business so quickly!)
- Spending his time building his business instead of wasting his time or spending hours doing things that didn’t help him grow his business! (While there were other, more-advanced trainers who were working at multiple gyms… Adam chose a single gym to build his clientele twice as fast and twice as big as the other “more-advanced” trainers!)
- Using 4 simple techniques to market himself in the gym so that members were constantly seeking him out to train with him! (Adam stopped having to “chase down” clients once he started applying these techniques!)
- Applying the “Attentive Selling Formula” so he never had to feel “pushy” or “slimy” when he was talking to clients and selling his personal training and nutrition services… Adam was an extremely shy guy – actually an introvert – so this formula was perfect for him!
Anyway… Adam did amazing! Now, I’m not saying these results are typical for everyone… but…
Adam wasn’t anything special!
He wasn’t a smooth talker… or an outgoing “natural” people person… or even a super good-looking guy… No. He was an average guy but he followed the formula.
Here’s the thing: if Adam can do it – You can easily do it too!
And that’s why this book is such a great opportunity… I’m including the best lessons that continuously allow me to build my business (and Adam to build his business) so quickly… and which you can easily apply to your own business with great success!
How am I so sure? That’s easy… it’s because…
These are all techniques and
method I’m currently using – right now… today!
They are tested, proven and refined to be the best methods for right now!
But what does this have to do with you?
This has everything to do with you because this book contains the proven techniques you can use to build your business up to $60,000.00 right away… or… add an extra $20,000.00 – $30,000.00 per year to your income.
And it’s so easy!
Look. Just imagine for a moment that you get this book and immediately apply the secrets I share… and within a few months you’re making an extra $1,200.00 per month!
Well… that’s not only possible… You will probably make closer to $2,400.00 per month extra in just a few months after reading this book – it’s that powerful!
So don’t wait another second because you don’t want to miss out on this special opportunity…
here's what to do next...
Remember… the book is free… All you have to do is grab your book while they are still available. (We’ll pay for the book… all you have to do is cover the shipping costs.)
And Here’s My Insane Guarantee!
When you get your book, read through it cover to cover. Take notes. Apply the secrets. And… if it’s not everything I’m telling you here – and if for some reason you don’t absolutely love it – let me know and I’ll refund your shipping… and you can still keep the book!
There is No Catch!
And there are no hidden fees. You won’t keep getting billed.
Why would I do this? Well, actually there are two reasons:
- I know how effective the information in this book is and I am sure you will instantly agree that it’s worth more than $500 after you get your hands on it!
- I am committed to helping trainers just like you succeed because I had a mentor and I want to pay it forward…
So here’s what to do now… click the button below and grab your free copy while I still have some books. (And while they are still free!)
The Clock is Ticking...
Here’s why:
I have only printed a few hundred copies… and I expect them to go fast… and when they are gone… they are gone!
If you’re reading this right now, that means I still have a few copies available… but… I will take this page down as soon as I run out – whether you get your free copy or not!
And remember… you can find this book anywhere but here.
Again… you have no risk. If you don’t like the book for some reason – or for any reason – just tell me and I’ll refund you $4.95… and you can keep the book!
So Claim Your FREE Copy Now Before They’re All Gone…
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon!