Deep Survey What is your #1 Single Biggest Challenge as it Relates to Personal Training Right Now? Please be as detailed and specific as possible... (please go beyond saying "building clients" or "getting certified" The more specific and detailed you are, the more likely I'll be able to cover your topic.)i.e. I just got certified and I'd really like to know the first step to setting up my business and getting clients right away in the gym... I'm looking for strategies and tactics in sales and marketing... Which of the following best describes you? Personal Training is my full time income... I also have a seperate "day job"... None Which of the following best describes you? I am still going to school to become a trainer I am trying to transition out of a job into training I am a new trainer, and I want some tools I have been training for more than 2 years, and I want to take my income to the next level Something Completely Different None If you answered "Something completely different" please explain: What is your income goal? $2,000-$3,000 per month $3,500-$5,000 per month $5,500-$7,000 per month $8,000+ per month None Name E-mail Skype Time's up